When I began using my first 'Radionic black box' back in '85, my understanding as to what it could do was minimal, but my hopes were high. A 'rates book' came with this new 'black box'. What made me marvel at this work that had been done in the 1950's was that these clever minds had discovered and developed a way of calibrating everything with it's 'own unique number'.
Through trial and error and the powers of 'deduction' they managed to formalise the intangible. A true test to the scientific method! With this 'rates book' I could simply dial in; emotions, colours, metaphysical levels, energy systems, the moon, whatever! I could stimulate or sedate. I could affect physical levels through to the etheric. I could literally influence any atom, in any cell, in any organ, in any system, in any living thing. Mind blowing! This was 'like magic', only real and 'concrete'. I tried to explain this 'miracle of Science' to people but it was dismissed as myth.
At first, I had to conduct a crude way of 'testing' to see if this was all real. For Radionics to work, three things need to work perfectly. Firstly, that the rate used for the 'target' on the 'witness' was correct. Secondly, that the machine was calibrated correctly so it could 'transmit' via the 'electromagnetic field of the earth'. Thirdly, that the 'witness' or 'receiver' was getting the 'energy' in sufficient amounts to register on a 'conscious' effectual level. I initially tested it on myself. I could really 'feel' a sensation.
I thought of an immediate use for this machine, it could relieve headaches! It worked like a charm. What I could do with this 'machine' was only limited by my ability as an operator. I went to my brother and asked him if he would help me with an experiment. I said to him I would do something to his body and I wanted him to tell me what part of the body it was and what was the 'sensation'. After about 10 minutes my brother indicated the part that he thought was being 'targeted' and said he felt 'a tingling and full sensation' in that body part. This was absolutely correct! I then 'neutralised' the effect of the 'experiment'. I had no need to find any further confirmation that this was indeed real and that the only question remaining was whether I really knew how to 'operate' the Radionic machine properly.
Radionics has a HIGH level of 'validity' for two main reasons. Firstly, electromagnetic radiation is an accepted 'real and measurable energy'. Secondly, by using the 'scientific method', a whole world of possibilities can be 'postulated' and tested with a high degree of certainty. We have been given so many gifts and talents that allow us insight into dimensions and worlds, that at first seem like fantasy, but are in fact real. In time these 'beliefs' become 'real' with additional evidence.
Once I had confirmed my belief in this 'Radionic machine', I began to do some real tests. I had always been fascinated in the Chakras. They were supposed to be 'centers' of tremendous 'force and energy'. What Chakra would I focus on?. While the Brow and Crown Chakras were very significant, I also read about being cautious about how these were stimulated. I intuitively chose the Heart Chakra. I chuckle a little when I remember back to those days in the 80's and how little I knew. I had the faith of a child and I was willing to explore things. I dialed up the number of the 'Heart Chakra' and had a guess at the potency. I competed the first dosage. Then waited an hour and gave myself another dose. Soon after, I began to feel 'lifted' in my 'spirits'.
I could feel my nerve endings on my skin tingling. The sensations spread to my whole body. I felt that I was 'opening up' to everything. I began to feel warm, elated and relaxed. Any fear was overcome by 'euphoria'. These sensations kept on building for some 30 minutes. I became aware that even though I was still in the present I 'understood intuitively' the bigger picture. I felt; a deep, spacial, quiet, yet excited, compassion for myself and for everything! Like a note changing up several keys! Colours became more vivid, sounds more harmonic, sensations more sensual and gentle. This 'great compassion' expanded like a wave beyond everything. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I had ever had in my life. Profound and beautiful beyond words!
Too beautiful! It left me with a sense of 'wonder and awe' about life. Whenever I remember the experience, I feel like I get right back there and feel 'reconnected' once again. I feel part of the 'big picture' again. These were real 'experiences' and not just something in the head. It literally changed my life and left me with a feeling of deep compassion, gratitude and respect for all life. While that 'state of being' was not sustained for long, I will always remember these experiences that go beyond the mind and questioning.
By : Patrick Sibraa
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