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Autism Management Tips

Diposkan oleh dvb Monday, February 2, 2009

As a parent of an Autistic child that is highly functional I have put together what I have learned through trial and error, tips that has made a substantial difference in our lives in dealing with long term management tips.


First and foremost, take on the quest to learn anything you can about Autism, everything that you learn will be beneficial to your child and family. The more knowledge you have the more constructive it will be for your child , in that, you will know what steps are necessary to further your child's development.

Looking after yourself

Autism can with no doubt present challenges so it is vital to be emotionally stable, rested, nourished and it is imperative to have a support team of two sorts : Friends who can be with the child as you rest or take time to yourself and a team of experts that will ensure that your child is developing which in turn makes life easier in the future.


For a child with Autism, they often have difficulty with understanding the "meaning" behind the rules, concrete rather than abstract. They tend to focus on the whole picture rather than the details and they are great at tuning out distractions. For many children with Autism, they insist on everything being the same. The way we live (abstract) is very confusing to an autistic child for our lives are filled with distracting , unnecessary information so to have a routine for your child would allow him/her to learn faster, so in turn you would have eliminated the confusion of acquiring new information and generalizing skills and behaviors from one context to another down to a minimum.

With having 6 years experience as a mother of a child with autism I have decided to be a voice in order to expand knowledge for parents, relatives or anyone who loves someone with Autism. For resources , visit my site:

By : Naomi Edwards

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